March 2021:

February was a busy writing month. I started out in full-throttle revision mode. (Get ready for some mixed metaphors with a dash of cliché.) It was going great; I was polishing away. Then, I felt like I had wandered off the trail. I pulled back, stopped cutting and pasting that one line around, and took eyes off the project for long enough to make a good final revision…final-ish…final enough. (Maybe I have a problem…moving on.)

Speaking of final: I finally tackled a couple of picture book ideas that have been floating around in my mind. Ugly first drafts shaped up to decipherable second and third drafts, then fifth or sixth drafts worthy of printing out got revised with penned scribbles, and eventually shared with critique partners. I’m still feeling good about them, so that is that.

It’s also been a big month for craft and SCBWI content—so many recordings to watch from Winter Conference! I can’t wait.

Thanks to a heads up from critique group pals, I found the Non Fiction Fest, a month-long series of blogs and activities professionally coordinated by the Nonfiction Chicks. Although, I was only able to partially participate—reading the posts, feeling inspired, but only finishing a handful of the daily activities—I highly recommend it. It’s been a wealth of resources and ideas. And who says I can’t get the rest of the activities done over the next couple months? Exactly.

Another reason it’s been a busy writing month is that I’ve started to expand my online life. I’m really kind of a hermit online and I haven’t ever seen the point of being active on social media unless someone is making me do it. This goes hand in hand with how I’ve done a great job at avoiding the “business” side of writing; I haven’t queried my work or put myself out there much.

Well, in February 2021 (ahem, thank you, Charlotte) all that changed…I decided to move beyond my passive content consumption, to actually have an online existence and expand my writerly community! On that note, I started a Twitter account (@ford_naz) and switched my Instagram to a professional account (@nazfordwrites). I even posted something. I’ve also been plugging away at my website content. (I got a little “meta” just now. Thanks for noticing.)

So far…not too bad. I have met a few new people, followed a few people I enjoy, and even participated in a “pitch fest” where I practiced my pitches and got some encouragement.  It’s a big step for me. I celebrated with cheese puffs.

Lastly, I have been diving into my new role as the WriteRiders NV SCBWI newsletter editor. I am excited to work with all the other volunteers and offer something of value to my fellow regional members! I’ve set the goal of having our next issue out by April. I’m just starting to get a handle on what that means; it means I better get to work.

I feel a strong urge to “sign off” before ending this entry—perhaps I’ll try a few potential signature phrases out:

·        And that’s what I’m up to…

·        Thanks for reading. Write on, friends…

·        Until next time...

Nevermind. I’ll keep working on that. Thanks for reading.

Nazanin FordComment